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Welcome to M.A.T. Orange County! 

Muscle Activation Techniques® (MAT) is an innovative process designed to help you move and feel better. The most rewarding part of my job is helping people get back to their active lifestyle.  Together we can address foot problems, cervical spine issues, recurrent injuries, and anything in between.  My clients have one thing in common . . . they just want to feel better and I'm excited to help them on their road to recovery.

About Jonathan

Jonathan Higashi is passionate about helping you pursue your goals and reach your full potential. His in-depth knowledge and understanding of human biomechanics and exercise physiology separates him ...

Muscle Activation Techniques®

Muscle Activation Techniques® is a biomechanically based system designed to evaluate and address muscular dysfunction that contributes to pain or injury. MAT introduces a paradigm shift in how ...


"Jonathan was very thorough and made sure he went through all the possibilities before finding the source of the issue in my back/trunk. All previous treatment (chiropractor, pilates) had been focused on ...."

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