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Can MAT have a positive impact on arthritis and the aging process?


MAT is an exercise-based process and research on exercise and its ability to improve health is well established. So – Yes – MAT may have a positive impact on arthritis and aging related losses in physical performance. It is acknowledged that muscles are designed to stabilize and support the joints so any improvement in muscle function may support or prevent the loss of physical performance often associated with arthritis and aging. All that is needed is to establish proper information to the muscles. Muscle Activation Techniques can often do this. It provides the ability for the body to function the way that it was designed to function. Just like with a malfunctioning car battery, inefficient muscle contraction can be “jumpstarted”. Just like a car’s battery cables must be secured before the battery can function properly, the information from the central nervous system must be secured for the muscle to function properly.


In simple terms, through the MAT Process, muscles that have altered communication (neurological information transfer) leading to muscle contraction inefficiency are identified by the CAM, then “jumpstarted” by the PIC or DFAMAT creating the ability for the muscles to efficiently contract. This carries over to improved stabilizing and managing the joints under the stresses of mechanical loads (like running, yoga, weightlifting, etc.). This may reduce joint stresses that lead to, or exacerbate, arthritic conditions.

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