Can I still participate in my normal activities while working with you?
I don’t want to have surgery even though it has been recommended to me. Can MAT help me?
I’ve tried everything to get rid of my pain and nothing has worked. Can MAT help me?
Can MAT have a positive impact on arthritis and the aging process?
What are the indications of muscle weakness – how do I know if I have a ‘weak’ muscle?
What about strength training, stretching, or even yoga – Can’t these correct weakened muscles?
If I am an athlete, will MAT help improve my performance and keep me healthy?
(Information provided by www.muscleactivation.com)
What is the goal of the MAT Process?
The first goal of MAT is to determine whether or not specific muscles that support the body’s movement have the proper information input from the nervous system necessary to perform its function of contracting. Each muscle must be capable of performing its function as forces are being placed on the body’s joint system. If a muscle does not have proper input, then it will not be able to perform its contraction function efficiently and this leads to vulnerability to mechanical forces. The goal of the MAT assessment process is to find out where the body displays these positions of vulnerability or weakness as a function of the loss of symmetrical motion for a given mirror image set of limb or trunk motions. (The MAT CAM)
After identifying these areas of protection, the second goal is to attempt to improve the stability of the joints via their muscles. This is a process of restoring the input and the resulting ability of the muscles to contract on demand when placed in a shortened position (AMC&S MMT). The third goal of MAT is to provide a checks and balances system to make sure that any time joint motion is increased (mobility) that there is appropriate input (demonstrated as muscle contraction in a relatively shortened position via the AMC&S MMT = stability) through the increased motion.